Cano Cristales

Cano Cristales

Many of the most colorful phenomenon in nature only appear for a brief moment in time when conditions are just right. The Aurora Borealis, the Tulip fields of Holland, and blood moons all require certain natural conditions to appear, and then only for a moment. This is also true of the Cano Cristales in Columbia.

Two-Tone Lakes

Two-Tone Lakes

If you were asked, what color is a lake? You would probably answer blue or green and be somewhat taken aback by the simplicity of the question. What if you were asked is a lake always one color? You would probably answer yes and be even more convinced that the question is some kind of…

The Rainbow Mountain

The Rainbow Mountain

This week Thinking Color heads to northern China near the Mongolian border to witness a colorful natural phenomenon that was said couldn’t possibly exist. The Qilian mountain range in northern China is one of the most rugged and unexplored regions in the entire world. For years it was said that a spectacular mountain range of…

The Happiest Color

The Happiest Color

Thinking Color has delved deep into the topic of color psychology over the last couple years. We have seen how different colors can elicit different emotions, cause subtle changes in mood, influence customers to make purchasing decisions, and create memories. Since our fall color predictions may have left some feeling a bit disappointed last week…

Turquoise and Pre-Columbian Culture

Turquoise and Pre-Columbian Culture

Colors have many different meanings across cultures. One of the oldest and most important colors with cultural significance is turquoise. Across pre-Columbian America the colorful stones could be found in almost every society and carried with them important cultural, and colorful meanings. The Navajo tribe, of what is now the western United States, attached an…