Two factors that affect how a color will look to an observer are: the light source and angle where you are viewing the color.

At the beginning of your project, your Dorn Color project manager will ask in which light source(s) you want to review color matches.

  • Daylight (or D65) is the most common way of looking at color and the international standard for artificial daylight.
  • Fluorescent lighting or Cool White Fluorescent (CWF) creates a slightly bluish
  • TL84 lighting represents a wider spectrum of color and is used in large

The same color match will appear different in each of these light sources, so this is an important consideration.  Choose the light source that will reflect where your clients are looking at colors before making a purchasing decision.

Second, when receiving your color match, hold it like you would hold a book - viewing color at a 45-degree angle best matches how you would perceive the color on a wall.

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